The mission of a Toastmasters club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every individual member has the opportunity to develop oral communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth.
It's official! I'm now serving as the new president for Peace Speakers. I accepted this officer's role at the urging of encouraging members who recognize my leadership potential. I'm a professed "worker bee" type who works well behind the scenes, and this year I'm be positioned to grow skills I wouldn't otherwise. This is what Toastmasters is all about - stretching you in ways that expand your confidence, communication and leadership skills.
A lot has transpired since my last blog for Peace Speakers. A hiatus from the blog was taken, and this is our meeting's Word of the Day. A hiatus is a pause or gap in a sequence, series or process. Now it's time to get back on the horse! Furthermore, the new Peace Speakers' officers just came on board in July, and they are ready to serve our Toastmasters club and guests to the best of their ability:
President: Kay Chambers
VP for Education: Eva Stimson
VP for Membership: Betsy Blocker
VP for Public Relations: Perry Chang
Secretary: Katie Conkle
Sergeant-at-Arms: Octavia Coleman
Treasurer: Catherine Reuning
I also want to thank our outgoing officers, Megan Sherehiy and Malinda Spencer. We greatly appreciate their service to our club as well!
The theme for our meeting today is vacation and travel, and we happen to have a Distinguished Toastmaster who drove in from Williamson, Virginia. Charles Gates travels often, and wherever he goes, he checks out the local Toastmasters clubs and visits 4 or 5 of them. Even though Toastmasters clubs worldwide are similar in structure, the members and personalities all vary. Charles obviously has fun with it. As a Toastmaster, you always have that option to visit other clubs locally or across the globe. It keeps you on your toes and is a great way to learn. Fortunately, Charles also offered us some tips for our meetings that are most helpful!
It's time to shift gears to the educational portion of our meeting. I introduce Eva, who comes to the lectern to serve as today's Toastmaster. She's an accomplished writer, editor and artist. In keeping with today's theme, Eva reminds us that the journey is more important than the destination. We mustn't miss the joys and surprises along the way to our destinations. Toastmasters clubs understand this as well, offering opportunities couched in fun that keep members growing as they travel along different paths.
Eva introduces Distinguished Toastmaster, Charles, who's volunteered to give a speech today at our club. He moves the lectern to the side, not wanting to use it as a crutch or impede him in any way. In short, his presentation tells his story from the first time he was introduced to Toastmasters (2007) to the present. His speech is an Ice Breaker Speech from Pathways, our new and exciting educational program.
Charles uses his words to draw a picture of his journey. He's on a road trip from New Jersey to Virginia listening to an audio book by Robert Kiyosaki and Zig Ziglar. Charles wanted to become a master communicator like these men, who are acclaimed motivational speakers and authors. Listening to those tapes, Charles heard about Toastmasters, understanding that if you want to go somewhere, it's best to find mentors who've already been there. He soon discovered that there were 46 Toastmasters clubs in his area within a 25-mile-radius! A jackpot for mentors!!!!!
Charles recalls being warmly welcomed at his first Toastmasters meeting. If you wonder how he became a DMT, or a Distinguished Toastmaster, it's because Charles threw himself into the workings of the club whole-heartedly. Encouraged to expand his natural talents, he eventually served in every one of the officers' roles within the club.
Later, an area governor encouraged Charles to join district leadership. Charles jumped right in. He knew there was so much more to discover and experience. Taking on the top district positions gave him a free ticket out of the country to an exotic location for the semi-finals. He's still on a journey in Toastmasters to continue his learning and knows there's great joy in that.
Charles encouraged us to take advantage of every speaking opportunity that's available to us. "Even when you fail, there's a great gift in that," he insisted. "Explore all of the benefits that Toastmasters provides you!" Charles obviously doesn't take a hiatus from Toastmasters just because he's on vacation!!!!
Who knows where in the world he'll end up next, but Charles knows that it's a given that he'll visit some Toastmasters clubs once he lands. He hopes each of us will follow our dreams as well, and Toastmasters can be a vital key for realizing them!
Our Table Topicsmaster, Catherine, has created prompts that relate to the theme of vacation and travel. This is an opportunity for members (and guests, if they choose), to draw a question and answer it spontaneously in 1-2 minutes time. It fosters thinking on one's feet, and the practice is good for us. One of the greatest perks, though, is getting to know each other better. We often are moved by a thoughtful account one shares or end up laughing at the humor that's imparted.
What is a place many people love to visit but you have no desire to visit. Why not?
Betsy shares that she's aware that most people love to travel to Hawaii, but she's not interested in going there. After all, there are molten lava rocks coming out of volcanoes. The travel to get there requires a long plane ride, so she'd much rather go to Florida. She already knows she likes the place, and it's all connected.
What is the most memorable vacation you've taken, and why did you love it so much?
What is a place you'd love to visit but haven't yet? What's its appeal?
The place Octavia hasn't been that she'd love to visit is Europe. Her niece just returned from there and the pictures are so interesting and appealing. She wants to go there to experience the different kinds of food, wine and beautiful scenery.
What would your perfect "stacation" look like?
If I (Kay, the blogger) couldn't seek foreign cultures, I'd just enjoy more of what I like here in the area. First of all, I'd see more movies in the big theaters and go on more romantic dinner dates with my husband. This is something we love to do and have enjoyed for 25 years now. I'd also increase the times I do my Bowspring yoga and Nia exercise classes, which are a lot of fun. (Reflecting back on it being PERFECT, I would have added in massages, art museums and concerts! I'd relax during Table Topics and use my imagination more!)
A vote is taken after the Table Topics talks, and the one most favored is by Charles, our visitor. He's awarded a dark chocolate bar for his efforts. His visit was timely and one we greatly appreciated. All visitors to our club are warmly greeted. If you're checking out this blog, I hope you'll join us for a 1-hour meeting some day. The sooner the better!
Eva, today's Toastmaster and the evaluator for Charles' speech, shared the following:
Charle's Ice Breaker speech was excellent - very inspiring and a good model for our club members.
Strengths: Didn't use the lectern, did not use notes; strong opening and conclusion; good use of body language and gestures; strong volume; effective use of repetition; gave us a sense of the many opportunities Toastmasters provides beyond our club; and had lots of positive energy.
Suggestion for improvement: Include a story about a failure or time when fears were overcome so that less confident people can relate.
Before closing the meeting, Kay draws a name from those who've served as either Toastmaster or given a speech in the last quarter. Betsy goes home with a Heine Brothers gift card! This is one way we can thank members for their service to our club. Engagement is key to individual growth and the viability of our Toastmasters club, and we hope everyone stays on this journey!!!
As president, I bring the meeting to a close with a themed quote from Mark Twain: "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness." May your travels be often and your joys be abundant!
Wed., Aug. 1 - Conference Room B
Wed., Aug. 15 - Conference Room B
Wed., Sept. 5 - Room 5000
NO MEETING Wed., Sept. 19 (Only Officers Meet)
Wed., Oct. 3 - Conference Room B
Wed., Oct. 17 - Conference Room B
Wed., Nov. 7 - Conference Room B
It's official! I'm now serving as the new president for Peace Speakers. I accepted this officer's role at the urging of encouraging members who recognize my leadership potential. I'm a professed "worker bee" type who works well behind the scenes, and this year I'm be positioned to grow skills I wouldn't otherwise. This is what Toastmasters is all about - stretching you in ways that expand your confidence, communication and leadership skills.
A lot has transpired since my last blog for Peace Speakers. A hiatus from the blog was taken, and this is our meeting's Word of the Day. A hiatus is a pause or gap in a sequence, series or process. Now it's time to get back on the horse! Furthermore, the new Peace Speakers' officers just came on board in July, and they are ready to serve our Toastmasters club and guests to the best of their ability:
President: Kay Chambers
VP for Education: Eva Stimson
VP for Membership: Betsy Blocker
VP for Public Relations: Perry Chang
Secretary: Katie Conkle
Sergeant-at-Arms: Octavia Coleman
Treasurer: Catherine Reuning
I also want to thank our outgoing officers, Megan Sherehiy and Malinda Spencer. We greatly appreciate their service to our club as well!
Eva introduces Distinguished Toastmaster, Charles, who's volunteered to give a speech today at our club. He moves the lectern to the side, not wanting to use it as a crutch or impede him in any way. In short, his presentation tells his story from the first time he was introduced to Toastmasters (2007) to the present. His speech is an Ice Breaker Speech from Pathways, our new and exciting educational program.
Charles uses his words to draw a picture of his journey. He's on a road trip from New Jersey to Virginia listening to an audio book by Robert Kiyosaki and Zig Ziglar. Charles wanted to become a master communicator like these men, who are acclaimed motivational speakers and authors. Listening to those tapes, Charles heard about Toastmasters, understanding that if you want to go somewhere, it's best to find mentors who've already been there. He soon discovered that there were 46 Toastmasters clubs in his area within a 25-mile-radius! A jackpot for mentors!!!!!
Charles recalls being warmly welcomed at his first Toastmasters meeting. If you wonder how he became a DMT, or a Distinguished Toastmaster, it's because Charles threw himself into the workings of the club whole-heartedly. Encouraged to expand his natural talents, he eventually served in every one of the officers' roles within the club.
Later, an area governor encouraged Charles to join district leadership. Charles jumped right in. He knew there was so much more to discover and experience. Taking on the top district positions gave him a free ticket out of the country to an exotic location for the semi-finals. He's still on a journey in Toastmasters to continue his learning and knows there's great joy in that.
Charles encouraged us to take advantage of every speaking opportunity that's available to us. "Even when you fail, there's a great gift in that," he insisted. "Explore all of the benefits that Toastmasters provides you!" Charles obviously doesn't take a hiatus from Toastmasters just because he's on vacation!!!!
Who knows where in the world he'll end up next, but Charles knows that it's a given that he'll visit some Toastmasters clubs once he lands. He hopes each of us will follow our dreams as well, and Toastmasters can be a vital key for realizing them!
Our Table Topicsmaster, Catherine, has created prompts that relate to the theme of vacation and travel. This is an opportunity for members (and guests, if they choose), to draw a question and answer it spontaneously in 1-2 minutes time. It fosters thinking on one's feet, and the practice is good for us. One of the greatest perks, though, is getting to know each other better. We often are moved by a thoughtful account one shares or end up laughing at the humor that's imparted.
Betsy shares that she's aware that most people love to travel to Hawaii, but she's not interested in going there. After all, there are molten lava rocks coming out of volcanoes. The travel to get there requires a long plane ride, so she'd much rather go to Florida. She already knows she likes the place, and it's all connected.
Charles admits that his favorite vacation was to Hawaii, where there are spectacular trees, flowers and indigenous animals that are only found there. His visit was right before Kilauea's eruption. He saw orange fumes rising from it but didn't realize until he left and returned home that the lava bed fell where he and his daughter had been standing.
If affordable space travel was available, would you go?
Eva claims she's not one to venture out to the unknown where she'd get way out of her comfort zone. Outer space just doesn't look like a comfortable place to land. It's bleak, there's no air, and it's rocky. She's pretty happy with being on earth and wants to stay where she is.
What is a place you'd love to visit but haven't yet? What's its appeal?
The place Octavia hasn't been that she'd love to visit is Europe. Her niece just returned from there and the pictures are so interesting and appealing. She wants to go there to experience the different kinds of food, wine and beautiful scenery.
What would your perfect "stacation" look like?
If I (Kay, the blogger) couldn't seek foreign cultures, I'd just enjoy more of what I like here in the area. First of all, I'd see more movies in the big theaters and go on more romantic dinner dates with my husband. This is something we love to do and have enjoyed for 25 years now. I'd also increase the times I do my Bowspring yoga and Nia exercise classes, which are a lot of fun. (Reflecting back on it being PERFECT, I would have added in massages, art museums and concerts! I'd relax during Table Topics and use my imagination more!)
A vote is taken after the Table Topics talks, and the one most favored is by Charles, our visitor. He's awarded a dark chocolate bar for his efforts. His visit was timely and one we greatly appreciated. All visitors to our club are warmly greeted. If you're checking out this blog, I hope you'll join us for a 1-hour meeting some day. The sooner the better!
Eva, today's Toastmaster and the evaluator for Charles' speech, shared the following:
Charle's Ice Breaker speech was excellent - very inspiring and a good model for our club members.
Strengths: Didn't use the lectern, did not use notes; strong opening and conclusion; good use of body language and gestures; strong volume; effective use of repetition; gave us a sense of the many opportunities Toastmasters provides beyond our club; and had lots of positive energy.
Suggestion for improvement: Include a story about a failure or time when fears were overcome so that less confident people can relate.
Before closing the meeting, Kay draws a name from those who've served as either Toastmaster or given a speech in the last quarter. Betsy goes home with a Heine Brothers gift card! This is one way we can thank members for their service to our club. Engagement is key to individual growth and the viability of our Toastmasters club, and we hope everyone stays on this journey!!!
As president, I bring the meeting to a close with a themed quote from Mark Twain: "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness." May your travels be often and your joys be abundant!
I set my camera down and run to get in this last timed shot of the day. It was a small meeting but a great one. Taking a hiatus from any club meetings means we miss growth opportunities and chances to support one another. I hope to see visitors again at our next meeting along with more of our members. Let's make it a fun and expansive year!
Oh, let's add some more kudos!!!! Thank you, Catherine, for taking 3 shots of us at the lectern with your iPhone. It forced me to learn how to send those images to my Google account so that I could crop them and use them in this blog. And Betsy, thank you for being the secretary today when Katie was out for jury duty while you also were the Ah Counter and Grammarian. Peace Speakers rise to the occasion. I'm proud of our members!
Oh, let's add some more kudos!!!! Thank you, Catherine, for taking 3 shots of us at the lectern with your iPhone. It forced me to learn how to send those images to my Google account so that I could crop them and use them in this blog. And Betsy, thank you for being the secretary today when Katie was out for jury duty while you also were the Ah Counter and Grammarian. Peace Speakers rise to the occasion. I'm proud of our members!
Wed., Aug. 1 - Conference Room B
Wed., Aug. 15 - Conference Room B
Wed., Sept. 5 - Room 5000
NO MEETING Wed., Sept. 19 (Only Officers Meet)
Wed., Oct. 3 - Conference Room B
Wed., Oct. 17 - Conference Room B
Wed., Nov. 7 - Conference Room B
Peace Speakers Toastmasters Club
1st and 3rd Wednesdays (usually)
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
100 Witherspoon Street
Downtown Louisville, KY
Respectfully submitted,
Kay Chambers
President and Blogger for Peace Speakers
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