The mission of a Toastmasters club
is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in
which every individual member has the opportunity to develop oral
communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster
self-confidence and personal growth.
Presiding Officer, beams as she greets members and four guests who are visiting Peace
Speakers today. She speaks for all of us when she says, "Our hearts are
happy to see so many visitors." Our guests each share a little about
themselves: Holly is a California native and is experiencing her very first Toastmasters meeting. Minh is looking for a club that best fits with her schedule. Ben travels a lot and enjoys visiting other Toastmasters groups. And Lynn has visited us previously and is considering joining sometime in the future. Welcome, welcome, welcome!!!!
Robin, President of Peace Speakers, reminds us that our first quarterly drawing will begin at our next meeting, October 1st. Anyone who's served as Toastmaster or given a speech during this quarter stands a chance at winning a gift. Sweet incentive, if you ask me!!!
Robin's baby is due November 9, so her last meeting for a while may be November 5th on Staff Development Day, when we meet at 12:40 (instead of the usual 1:00). Ada will preside after the baby's birth until Robin can return to resume her presidential duties.
To enjoy this cartoon visually as well, go to this
link: Roz Chast's Creation Cartoon
Kerri, our Toastmaster for the day, makes reference to the colorful image of a brightly colored fall tree atop the agenda she prepared. She reminds us that the weather at this time of the year is lovely and suggests we take advantage of the many opportunities we have to get outdoors. She challenges us to spend more time outside walking, having lunch, or using any other excuse we can find. (By the way, this is Kerri's first time as Toastmaster, and she's totally a natural!)
Kerri introduces the people who have volunteered to take on a role during
our meeting today. This gives members of Peace Speakers an opportunity to speak and develop their leadership skills. Eric is
serving as the "Ah-Counter and Grammarian" today. The
Word of the Day he's chosen is doppelganger, which means "someone who
looks like someone else". Eric is a new dad, and after his parents brought out a baby picture of Eric, he realized that his newborn is a
doppelganger for him. (By the way, can you tell he's a new father? He says he's feeling a bit
tired these days!)
Speaking of new parents, Bethany also just recently had a baby girl. My goodness, these Peace Speakers are a prolific and dynamic group! And this is a perfect way to segue to our speaker today.
Robin's baby is due November 9, so her last meeting for a while may be November 5th on Staff Development Day, when we meet at 12:40 (instead of the usual 1:00). Ada will preside after the baby's birth until Robin can return to resume her presidential duties.
Think about it: How do you deal
with change? I don’t particularly see
myself as a Change Master. I often grieve
a change that I have no control over until
motivation for a shift presents itself.
Such is this lamentation I share about the change of season upon us:
Goodbye summer, I hate to see you go!
Goodbye to sun-drenched days,
bare skin, and bands playing at Waterfront Wednesdays.
Goodbye to longer days, warm
breezes, top-down driving, and sweaty armpits.
Goodbye to running wildly
through the twirling sprinkler and playing joyfully in the rain.
Goodbye to Hurricane Bay’s
thrilling 12-story drop down a deep water dive.
Goodbye to whizzing frantically
through space on Kentucky Kingdom’s roller coasters and free-falling in gleeful terror
on the Fear Factor ride.
Goodbye to the smell of fresh
cut grass, the sight of summer daisies and cheery clumps of Black-eyed Susans.
Goodbye to the relentless sound
of chirping cicadas and to treasures found at Saturday morning yards sales.
Goodbye to roadside fruit
stands, the sound of ice cream trucks, and water balloon fights.
Goodbye to friendly folks at farmers markets, farm fresh eggs, and local honey.
Goodbye to gathering at restaurant
patios, grilling outdoors, and the smell of smoky BBQ.
Goodbye to our garden’s fresh
corn, juicy tomatoes and the abundance of fresh kale and okra.
Goodbye to flowy, strappy,
bright-colored sundresses and wearing flip-flops in a flip-flop kind of world.
Goodbye to the sounds of
squealing children in squirt gun fights and eating ice cream to cool off in the
Goodbye summer vacations, a
flotilla of flotation devices, outdoor parties and chilled sangria.
Goodbye to bare feet, chasing
lightening bugs at dusk, and watching fireworks in the black of night.
Goodbye to outdoor pools,
impromptu summer picnics, and mosquitoes.
Hmmmm, good riddance, you wretched
little mosquitoes! Farewell summer!
Adieu! Time to move quickly into fall!
The good news is that Toastmasters remains a constant in our lives
despite the season. There are no losses,
and the changes we experience as Peace Speakers are always positive!
Kay Chambers, Blogger
A cartoon by Roz
Chast called "Creation: The True Story" retells the Genesis creation
story with jokes about procrastination:
On the first day, God created nothing, because there was
plenty of time.
Second day, same deal. God is
thinking, “Why rush?”
On the 4th day, He was not in the right mood. (God lets out a sigh.)
On the 5th day, all this stuff was going
on. You don’t want to know. (God’s looking very frazzled and
On the 6th day, God created the whole shebang. (Stars, mountains, critters, humans,
and nature are all represented in this frame.)
On the 7th day, He rested. (God’s sitting on a
couch looking totally worn out.)
Kerri, our Toastmaster for the day, makes reference to the colorful image of a brightly colored fall tree atop the agenda she prepared. She reminds us that the weather at this time of the year is lovely and suggests we take advantage of the many opportunities we have to get outdoors. She challenges us to spend more time outside walking, having lunch, or using any other excuse we can find. (By the way, this is Kerri's first time as Toastmaster, and she's totally a natural!)
Kerri introduces the people who have volunteered to take on a role during
Speaking of new parents, Bethany also just recently had a baby girl. My goodness, these Peace Speakers are a prolific and dynamic group! And this is a perfect way to segue to our speaker today.
gives her 4th speech today, which focuses on “How to Say It” from the
Competent Communication Manual. The title of her speech is “Motherhood Defined,”
and we’re about to hear from an expert…one who’s been in the trenches. (Using
bullet notes from her talk, the following is the gist of what Robin imparted during her speech.)
is defined as “the state or experience of
having and raising a child.” I feel the definition is missing something. Like all the ups and downs that go into having
and raising a child???
daughter just celebrated her fourth birthday, and my son will be two this month. Baby number three is due in November. Everyday I roll out of bed to the unknown:
· Will
everyone be in a good mood?
· How
tangled will Maggie’s hair be?
· Is
John going to be mad that we ran out of bananas?
· Will
the dog come inside the first time I
call for him?
a mother you must roll with the punches.
Once you’re a parent, you’re no
longer in control…of...anything. For example, in June the children attended
summer camp. Wednesday was costume day and John was the
Incredible Hulk. Maggie had swimming first thing, so I took her outside to
spray sunscreen on her legs. Suddenly, the door shut! My son had locked us out
of the house! I had NO KEYS, NO PHONE, and was wearing NO SHOES. I was literally barefoot and pregnant,
walking down the street carrying the Incredible Hulk in one arm, holding the
hand of a three-year-old in a swim suit, and knocking on the doors of our
neighbors’ houses.
Luckily, the retired neighbors
down half way down the street were home. They let me use their phone while we
waited in their house. My mom came over with a key and the kids made it to school. Of course, I
made it to work, but I was about three hours late that day.
2. As a mother you
must expect the unexpected.
Now, for those of you who are not
familiar with a SNORT, it’s the steam shovel that puts the baby bird back in
its nest in the children’s book, “Are You My Mother?” I had to stop and explain
to Maggie that we didn’t have a SNORT, although it would come in handy. Somehow
I backed out of the driveway without hitting the baby bird. It wasn’t there
later in the day, so we assumed it found its mother.
3. And lastly, as a mother you
must get your hands dirty.
We all know that kids are kind of
gross. They aren’t potty trained. They have snotty faces, and food sticks to
their bodies. But
this particular story is about my dog, Champ. Champ has the habit of getting in
trouble when he’s desperate for attention. And with two younger, human siblings in the
house, he often feels left out.
On Friday, I let Champ outside,
and when he came back in he smelled awful! He was guilty! He had rolled in
poop! I took Champ to our shower
upstairs, washed him, and warned him not to do it again. For some reason, Champ
didn’t listen. He did it again on Monday morning! Again, he was soaked in the
shower. And if he does it again, my next
speech will be titled, “Dog in Need of Good Home.”
closing, I think if I were to rewrite the definition to Motherhood, I would
find a way to include the lessons that I’ve learned as a mom:
· Rolling with the punches
· Expecting the unexpected
· Getting your hands dirty
not to scare away any new or expecting parents—I think I
would redefine Motherhood simply as
“The state or experience of having and raising a child. It is the hardest, most rewarding job a person could EVER do!”
Music gives a soul to the universe,
wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.
~ Plato
What role has music played in your
own life? What do you imagine the world would be like without music?
music, life would be a mistake. ~Friedrich
What are
a few of your favorite bands or musicians? How has their music touched your
Ben shares that indeed, life would be a mistake without music. His dad's keen appreciation for music greatly influenced him. Dad installed in him a love for eclectic music styles. As a child, he remembers listening to Paul Simon's Graceland, which exposed him to world music. He remembers putting up his arms and feeling joyful dancing to it. His family's appreciation for music is why it's such a big part of his life today. His parent's passion and joy for music brought people together. After all, music is one language we all can speak.
Music expresses that which cannot be
put into words and that which cannot remain silent. ~ Victor Hugo
Has music ever provided an outlet for
expressing or understanding something you weren’t able to put into words –
either by listening or by playing it?
Lynn admits that she can think of many instances when music has provided an outlet. She notes that she feels more intensely when listening to different kinds of music. The music often compliments her feelings. When feeling sad, she might listen to bluesy music and minor chords. The buzz stays with her for a long time. Music is very powerful, whether one's listening to it or playing it.
People worry about kids playing with
guns, and teenagers watching violent videos; we are scared that some sort of
culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to
thousands - literally thousands - of songs about broken hearts and rejection and
pain and misery and loss. ~Nick Hornby, "High Fidelity"
What kind of music did you listen to
when you were growing up? What does this music mean to you now?
Holly shares that she is a Baby Boomer and grew up in the 1950's - 80's. She admired and was influenced by singer song writers. She found their melodious tunes to be more touching to the heart than the current tunes. She particularly loved music that incorporated nature, the wind, waves and a cacophony of sounds that were all quite beautiful. This type of music continues to be a meaningful part of her life.
Kristy smiles broadly recalling Robin's speech on motherhood. She shares that she found it to be a very interesting and amusing speech. "It made us smile," she remarks. She adds that Robin clearly communicated her ideas and had a good sense of timing. She really loved the stories she shared about her children and the dog stories as well. She felt that Robin gave great examples and summarized well at the closing.
In case you were wondering about those bags, Betsy, our Vice President of Membership, distributed gift bags to our first time visitors. We are always grateful for guests and especially love it when they feel comfortable enough to join us in Table Topics like Holly and Ben did today.
Ada closes by sharing what a fabulous meeting it's been. She's appreciative of so many aspects: all of the work that went into preparing for the meeting, the roles people played, the speech Robin gave, and the information that was shared during Table Topics.
This type of enjoyment and satisfaction is standard at our Peace Speakers meetings. If you're a visitor to this blog, don't stay a stranger! Come to one of our meetings and experience the warmth and the numerous opportunities for developing your communication and leadership skills in a friendly and supportive environment.
We are an open Toastmasters club,
so please pay us a visit!
Oct. 1 - Conference Room B
Oct. 15 - Conference Room B
Peace Speakers Toastmasters Club
1st and 3rd Wednesdays (usually)
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
100 Witherspoon Street
Downtown Louisville, KY
Respectfully submitted,
Kay Chambers
Blogger for Peace Speakers
To access our previous blogs, here are the links:
(We kept running out of space and needed to start new ones!)
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