The mission of a Toastmasters club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every individual member has the opportunity to develop oral communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth.
In March, when COVID-19 became an indisputable reality in the U.S., we never imagined that Peace Speakers would still be meeting via Zoom late in 2020. But here we are, continuing to safely zoom our Toastmasters meetings faithfully from one month to the next. I'm so grateful that we didn't wait to enact this change.
Despite the pandemonium over this pandemic, members are successfully practicing twice-monthly their communication skills and increasing their confidence and leadership skills. Zoom has afforded us a platform from which to launch AND learn new skills. It's all good!
Our Ah Counter/Grammarian did a screen-share on Zoom to make us aware of the Word of the Day, which I usually put in my blog titles. This gets members thinking about words they might not use much otherwise, thus expanding their vocabularies.
After the Labor Day holiday, our most recent meeting focused on RESTING FROM OUR LABORS for our theme. Effie created Table Topic prompts to give members a chance to express themselves on the fly in 1-2 minute responses. Some of her prompts were:
As you can see, none of the impromptu questions are too hard to answer spontaneously, and if you hesitate, you can just change the prompt a bit and run with it. The point is to express yourself...not to find out if you can answer specific questions. It really is enjoyable, and sometimes the answers are totally surprising and hilarious. We DO have a good time! Rebecca conducted a fun activity called "Elevator, Sell Me, or Tell Me." Members were asked to choose one of 3 options: 1) give a short Elevator Speech (i.e., on the benefits of Toastmasters), 2) grab something in your home and sell it to us, or 3) pick up something and tell us the significance of it. This got everyone talking and learning...just another interesting way of practicing the art of communication. Participants from an earlier Zoom meeting gather to practice, learn, and grow their skill levels. Our numbers change at each meeting with visitors dropping in and an occasional grandchild peering in on the screen. I love the idea of introducing Toastmasters to much younger people! I wish I hadn't waited until my 50's to come to my first Peace Speakers meeting. Instead, I spent decades avoiding leadership and speaking opportunities because of my insecurity and lack of skills. I can see how lacking confidence in my speaking and leading abilities decades ago hurt me professionally and personally. Not any longer, thanks to Peace Speakers!!!!! At this particular Zoom meeting, Perry gives a prepared speech, which is 5-7 minutes long. We're learning how to adapt to new circumstances since we cannot deliver our speeches in person at this time. Afterwards, an evaluator gives a 2-3 minute evaluation considering 7 areas: clarity of spoken language, vocal variety, eye contact, gestures, audience awareness, comfort level, and interesting content. Evaluations are constructive and build on the strengths of the speaker. At its conclusion, some areas for improvement are suggested. The point is to encourage speakers and help them grow their skills, and Toastmasters is a safe and fun place to do this. Here's another Zoom meeting where 3 guests attended. We welcome visitors at all of our meetings! Looking at the screen, can you identify the people who've made a point to change their background images? There are a number of Zoom techniques one can easily learn, and this is one of them. And since we have a Timer at each meeting to make sure we keep on track, using a green background notifies the speaker that time's winding down, a yellow background warns the speaker that time's almost up, and a red background alerts them that time is up. Peace Speakers have enjoyed using Zoom and its options as their platform for meetings. If you're a visitor to this blog, it's easy to join one of our meetings on Zoom. Just contact Kay (see below) and express your interest, and we'll consider your request for any upcoming meeting. See it as an investment in yourself and your future, both professionally and personally. UPCOMING 2020 MEETINGS: Wed., Oct. 7 - Zoom Wed., Oct. 21 - Zoom Wed., Nov. 4 - Zoom Wed., Nov. 18- Zoom Wed., Dec. 2 - Zoom Wed., Dec. 16 - Zoom Contact us via this link to get access to our Zoom meetings: Just click on CONTACT CLUB, and I'll get back with you on how to link up with us. Peace Speakers Toastmasters Club 1st and 3rd Wednesdays (typically) 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. on Zoom Previously held at 100 Witherspoon Street, Downtown Louisville, KY until COVID-19 curtailed our in-house meetings Respectfully submitted, Kay Chambers VP of Membership and Blogger for Peace Speakers |