Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Peace Speakers Usher in Three More Members at October 7th Meeting!

The mission of a Toastmasters club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every individual member has the opportunity to develop oral communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth.

Catherine, our president of Peace Speakers, is ready and raring to go today.  She decisively declares, "Let's get started!  We have a full program today!" and hands the podium over to the invocation leader.  With only an hour to conduct our meeting, it's essential to forge ahead dynamically.  There's a lot to be enjoyed today!

Eva, our invocation leader, admits that she expressed many "wows" during her recent trip to Turkey.  For today's invocation, she read excerpts from the book Help, Thanks, Wow - the Three Essential Prayers:

Wow is often offered with a gasp, a sharp intake of breath, when we can't think of another way to capture the sight of shocking beauty or destruction, of a sudden unbidden insight or an unexpected flash of grace.  "Wow" means we are not dulled to wonder.  We click into being fully present when we're stunned into that gasp, by the sight of a birth, or images of the World Trade Center towers falling, or the experience of being in a fjord (a long, narrow inlet with steep cliffs), at dawn for the first time.  "Wow" is about having one's mind blown by the mesmerizing or the miraculous: the veins in a leaf, birdsong; volcanoes.  When all is said and done, spring is the main reason for Wow.  Spring is crazy, being all hope and beauty and glory.  She is the resurrection.  As a tiny little control freak, I want to understand the power of Wow, so I can organize and control it, and up its rate and frequency.  But I can't.  I can only feel it, and acknowledge that it is here once again.  Wow.

Catherine, our president, welcomes our guest, who just happens to share the same-sounding name. The visiting Kathryn tells us that she works at the Kentucky Derby Museum and wants to improve her public speaking skills.  Peace Speakers are more than eager to help her achieve this goal!

Our president also follows decorum and invites Peace Speakers to vote in three new members to our club:  Jewel, Linda and George.  With an enthusiastic vote, all three are officially welcomed into our Toastmasters club as new members.  All with gifts differing, we look forward to the talents they'll share and helping them build their skills in leadership and communication.

BE AWARE:  Peace Speakers will not meet on Wednesday, Nov. 4!  Instead, our regularly held meeting will take place on Thursday, Nov. 5 during the Open House at the Presbyterian Center.  More to come on the time of this meeting and the roles we'll need to fill for it.

Megan, VP of Education, announces that several "meet-ups" outside of our club meetings have been fun.  She's welcoming suggestions for places and times for the next ones.  She's also seeking someone to organize the next meet-up because she's getting married the first week in November and is understandably overwhelmed.

Please contact Megan if you can orchestrate the next "meet-up" for our members to enjoy some casual coffee/tea time together (or maybe some other enjoyable event!                                                           

Lynn, our Joke Master for the day, shares the following yarn:

An old man went to the doctor complaining that his wife could barely hear. The doctor suggested a test to find out the
extent of the problem: “Stand far behind her and ask her a question, and then slowly move up and see how far away you are when she first responds.” The old man excited to finally be working on a solution for the problem, runs home and sees his wife preparing supper. Standing about 20 feet behind her, the man asks, "Honey, what's for supper?” After receiving no response he tried it again 15 feet away, and again no response. Then again at 10 feet away and again no response. Finally he was 5 feet away “Honey, what's for supper?” She replies, “For the fourth time, it’s lasagna!!!!”

Jewel, a new member who volunteered to be our next Toastmaster even before she was officially a member, steps up to the podium with confidence.   As the Toastmaster, she prepared an agenda (a colorful and creative one at that) and leads the educational part of our meeting.

Now it's time for our prepared speaker of the day.  Jewel introduces Ada, who is working from the Advanced Manual on Project #4, Speaking to Inform.  Her speech is titled "Neocortex, Limbic or Cerebellulm; Creating Balance."

Ada, our prepared speaker
Do you know 77% of our thoughts are negative? Do you know our brain has three zones?

The purpose for my speech is to share some recent information that was helpful to me when I recently attended a Career Track Seminar and learned about my brain.  It got my attention to the point that I have continued to research by way of the Internet to understand the functions of my brain. It is intriguing, so I will share about the zones of the brain, give some smart heart elements and close with food for thought.

Zones of our brains -

Neocortex zone - creation zone

·       Center of our learning and thinking

·        Distinguishes us from animals

Limbic/Midbrain  - action zone

·       Chemicals help create emotions, like the flight or fight emotion
·       Feelings of the heart take place here
Cerebellum – habit zone
·       Once learned, we do things automatically/unconsciously), like driving an auto or typing
·       Who we are naturally?

Did you know we can retrain our brain? Start by observing your thoughts for just two weeks without analyzing them.  You will be amazed!!  As I mentioned earlier, 77% of our thoughts are negative, and that is not good, so don’t listen to that little voice.  It is not your friend!!  Practice rejecting those negative thoughts.  Clean out your mind clutter on a regular basis with a mind sweep.  Make it a habit to write everything down versus carrying it in your mind.
A good rule is - if you think it – ink it.

There is a way to create balance in our daily life.  It starts with the heart and it involves being smart. Let’s take each letter and find out how to find that balance. These relate to whatever you do on a daily basis:

Heart Smart
HHave a why to what you are doing
EExciting and challenging should be at your core
A – Being adjustable and adaptable is an asset
RRelated to value - your beliefs and convictions that drive and direct your behavior
TTrue - be true to yourself
 SSpecific – as being specific will trim off dead weight
MMeasurable should be whatever you are trying to do
AAttainable what you are trying to do
RRelevant; realistic
TTimely – everything will fall into place

 Food for thought:
1)    One of the reasons we don’t accomplish our life goals is that we are wired for failure,  but it is the small action steps we take everyday that move us forward.
2)     If we aim for nothing, we will hit it every time – Chuck Blakeman
3)     The greatest habit we can ever break is the habit of being ourselves  - Dr. Joe Dispenza
In my speech I have shared about the zones of our brain, the heart smart way to bring balance and concluded with food for thought to give simple insight on how to bring balance into our lives.  Once that the mind and heart line up, we are on our way to living a life full of balance.

Ada concluded her speech with a call for questions, and three rolled in, which she handled with grace.  I think many in the audience were surprised to learn about the relentless negativity of our minds, but having said that, we can all be more mindful of our thoughts and shift them.  We have a brain.  Let's use it productively!!!!!

Time for a session of Table Topics - a spontaneous experience that allows participants to think on their feet and speak with no time to prepare. George, our Table Topicsmaster, threw out prompts orally and called upon us to answer.  (Okay, I admit I'm used to reading my question several times quickly before I answer it, so I was caught off guard a bit. It forced us to be an active listeners!)

George gave me the first prompt, and because I forgot to have someone take my pic, here's one I did in the back yard after I got home this evening:

You are in the lead role of an epic blockbuster movie about a famous historic figure.   Who would you play and why?  Who would you choose to be your co-stars?

Kay shares that what comes to mind immediately is the movie Schindler's List.  She would want the male role of Schindler, the owner of the German factory who protected and saved the lives of hundreds of Jews working for him during the Holocaust.  She chose this role because of the humanitarian actions that Schindler took.  Not recalling names of actors besides the lead, Liam Neeson, she's not sure who she'd choose as co-stars.

If you could choose to be a newscaster/anchor, sportscaster or meteorologist, which would you choose and why?

Having a background as a news reporter, Perry said he'd like to be on TV as a newscaster.   He actually previously investigated an official to see if she was really in his district.  He would hope that his experience writing about the news and being a Toastmaster would help him transition easily to the job of an investigative reporter. 

You are the new Larry King, suspenders and all!  If you could interview a person from the past, present or the future, who would you pick and why?  How would you frame your questions?

Obviously reflecting thoughtfully, Denise shares that she would like to interview Joan of Arc.  She's intrigued by what's she's heard about her and what she said.  She knows that Joan of Arc posed as a man and acted on behalf of Christ and God.  She would have many questions for Joan of Arc because she doesn't know enough about her.

Would you prefer to be in a TV program as a defense lawyer (Perry Mason), a doctor (Marcus Welby), a police detective (Starsky & Hutch), a bus driver (Ralph Kramden), or an ad agency (Madmen)?  Which occupation would you pick and why?

Megan really likes Grey's Anatomy, but she's right-brained, so that's not her at all.  She might choose Madmen because she wouldn't mind drinking bourbon all day long on the couch and having all kinds of love triangles.  However, she might be depressed as an alcoholic, so she thinks she'll just stick with her own life and live vicariously.

Is there any commercial that makes you upset enough that you would refuse to buy their product or service?  Explain.

This gets Kristi waving her arms and speaking definitively.  She absolutely hates the KIA car commercials.  She can't stand his voice and the way he hollers.  She insists, "Don't yell - just tell me." Kristi vows that she'll never buy a KIA, even though she does like riding in her friend's KIA car.  However, those commercials make her feel grouchy and negative, and she turns into a pumpkin. (Not really, but she added this because pumpkin is the Word of the Day).

If you were the host of a game show, would it be pure chance/luck, trivia, or various contests?  What themes and features would you game show have?  Explain.

First of all, Megan, who is behind our guest, Kathryn, hasn't turned her back on her while she speaks.  I couldn't get her picture until after the meeting. 

Kathryn says that her parents are from a large family of 7 kids.  Her uncle used to pretend to be a game show host and they'd play Family Feud.  If she was the host of a show now, though, she'd choose Wheel of Fortune.  It's a game of chance, but you do have to have a little knowledge to win.
George, Table Topicsmaster

These were interesting questions presented by Georgeand it's always fun to hear answers from individuals.  Members reflect on the impromptu Table Topics speeches they heard and which one they liked the most.  A paper vote is taken.

And the winner of Table Topics is Kristi!  It seems that her demonstrative stance and clearly spoken loathing about KIA commercials garnered the most attention from listeners.  Enjoy that trophy until we meet again, Kristi!

Ada's evaluator for the speech she gave today is Eric.  He surveys the advanced manual, which outlines the components essential for Ada's speech.  He shares that he didn't notice her depending too much on her notes.  He found the facts she shared to be helpful and interesting.  He also liked the premise and found her speech to be logically presented and well-organized.  He notes that she handled the questions well that were posed at the end and that she seemed to enjoy answering them.  One suggestion he offers is being able to see the acronym of SMART HEART visually to help listeners absorb more information.  

Jewel returns to the podium to conclude the educational part of our meeting.  She admits loving the smell of pumpkin pie, so she brought some pumpkin muffins to share with everyone today.  Thanks, Jewel!!!!

Catherine, our president, closes our Peace Speakers meeting reminding us to go out and be WOWed by the beauty and presence of the world in which we live.   Let us resist the tendency to think negative thoughts (ones that Ada warned us about) and focus our minds on what's good and on what we can make better!

Speaking of making things better, consider joining us at one or more of our Toastmasters meetings.  If you're a visitor to this blog and you're curious, join us for some fun and growth.  You have only some bad habits (perhaps) to lose!


Wed., Oct. 21 - Conference Room B

Thur., Nov. 5- Room & Time TBA
(Special Open House Toastmasters Meeting)

Peace Speakers Toastmasters Club
1st and 3rd Wednesdays (usually)
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
100 Witherspoon Street
Downtown Louisville, KY

Respectfully submitted,
Kay Chambers
Blogger for Peace Speakers
To access our previous blogs, here are the links
(We kept running out of space and needed to start new ones!)  

Like us on Facebook:  Facebook.com/peacespeakers

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Laudable Actions Common for Peace Speakers

The mission of a Toastmasters club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every individual member has the opportunity to develop oral communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth.


Our president of Peace Speakers, Catherine, opens our meeting by extending a warm welcome to guests and members.  It is one of the many laudable actions Peace Speakers take.  Laudable, our Word for the Day, means praiseworthy or commendable. Our members often extend themselves...working with each other to help in any way they can.  Visitors are warmly received and are encouraged to participate in our meetings as well, if they so desire.

Eric leads our invocation today.  While walking the other day, he noticed some of the Bradford Pear trees are losing their leaves.  Thinking of fall, he shares a Robert Frost poem with us today: 

Gathering Leaves
  By Robert Frost

Spades take up leaves
No better than spoons, 
And bags full of leaves
Are light as balloons.

I make a great noise
Of rustling all day
Like rabbit and deer
Running away.

But the mountains I raise
Elude my embrace,
Flowing over my arms
And into my face.

I may lead and unload
Again and again
Till I fill the whole shed, 
And what have I then?

Next to nothing for weight,
And since they grew duller
From contact with earth,
Next to nothing for color.

Next to nothing for use,
But a crop is a crop,
And who's to say where
The harvest shall stop?

Our past president, Robin, shares news from a previous member of Peace Speakers. Becky Johnson made laudable comments about our Toastmasters club, saying that now as a school teacher she feels confident speaking in front of the children.  She credits this to the practice she received at our meetings for Peace Speakers.

Robin also shares that Kristi's husband is having surgery.  She asks that we keep him and his family in our prayers. 

Our Joke Master for the day, Perry, spins a tale related to our Labor Day theme for today's meeting:

A young worker and his boss are standing by the company's shredder.  The boss holds up a piece of paper and announces, "This is a very important document."  He looks at the young worker and asks, "Can you take care of it for me?"  The young worker replies confidently, "Sure thing!" and promptly slips the document into the shredder, as the boss finishes saying, "And I just need one copy."

Vicki Rice, our new Area 66 Governor, paid a visit to our club today.  How laudable!!!!!  And after hearing her speak so positively and vivaciously, it's easy to feel that shared excitement ourselves.  Vicki also loves her work with Texas Roadhouse and handles various legal matters for them.

She shared a few points of interest with us:
  • District 11's Fall conference is Nov. 6-7, 2015 in Fort Wayne, IN:  Fall Conference
  • Check out the upcoming fall contests: District 11 Contests
  • Toastmasters is plugging "8 is great!" in hopes that members will get 8 speeches done in a year.  It's doable!!
  • Continue the thrust to add new members to our club.
  • Our club can practice having a contest so we can conduct a real one some time.
  • In January, have members start shadowing the officers to prepare them for the change of office in July.
  • Consider being the Area Governor 66!  You must have served as a VP of Education or the President of a Toastmasters club and completed 6 speeches to qualify.                                                                       

Vicki adds that she loves our agenda format and plans to incorporate it at her club sometime.  This is what's so laudable about Toastmasters.  You can visit other clubs and utilize the ideas you like.  Attending Toastmasters conferences and contests allows you to hear wonderful speeches and make meaningful connections with interesting people.  

With an important holiday approaching this September weekend, Ada, our Toastmaster for the day, shares that the theme of our meeting is Labor Day.  The idea for protecting workers began back in 1872 in Toronto, Canada.   Labor Day is celebrated the first Monday in September and was created by the labor movement, which is dedicated to social and economic achievements of American workers.

Ada introduces our prepared speaker of the day, who is Robin.  This is Robin's 6th speech, and it focuses on Vocal Variety.  The title is "Karaoke:  Best Practices", and we clap enthusiastically as Robin comes up to the podium.

                        Karaoke: Best Practices

The word karaoke stems from the Japanese words “kara” and “Oke Su Tora”.  It translates to “empty orchestra” or someone who loves to sing the lead vocal to a well-known song.   If you’ve never karaoked before, it goes like this:
1.   You pick a song from a list of thousands of songs.
2.   The karaoke DJ calls your name. You take to the stage.
3.    Lyrics are displayed on a TV screen.
4.   A moving symbol guides you through the lyrics.

Every year for my birthday my husband plans a karaoke party for me. I’m always the first one to sign up to sing. And I sing the whole night. And I LOVE it!
Because I love singing karaoke so much, I’m going to share with you tips on picking the perfect karaoke song. First of all, when most people karaoke, they think of themselves as contestants on The Voice. I think people should think of themselves more as a temporary DJ for the party.

Next, it’s up to you to pick a really great song that sets the mood for fun.  When I pick songs for karaoke, I have three best practices:
  • Is the song appropriate?
  • How will I sound singing it? 
  • How will it make people feel?
The first step in picking a song is “Is the song appropriate?”  MOST IMPORTANT!  At a work Christmas party?  Stay away from songs with explicit lyrics or suggestive lyrics.  At a wedding?  Don’t sing Carrie Underwood’s “Before He Cheats”.  (Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats!) Be considerate of others and pick a short-to-average time song.  And I don’t care if Don McLean shows up at your party — DO NOT sing “American Pie!”  I once made this mistake by singing “Rappers Delight.”  This song is 8 minutes long!   (Robin gives us a taste of it.)

Next, how will I sound singing it?  Be realistic about your singing ability.  It’s impossible to sing any ballad by Whitney Houston. (Robin begins to sing “I Will Always Love You” using a make-shift microphone, but doesn’t keep going to the end.)

You should choose a song that you’re passionate about and one you can relate to.  Rough time at work? Choose “9 to 5” and think of your boss.   (Robin commences to sing intensely into her mic, Workin' 9 to 5, what a way to make a livin'; Barely gettin' by, it's all takin' and no givin'…”) I guarantee it will be a great performance, and probably therapeutic too.

Last, how will it make people feel?
Pick songs that are well-known and get other people singing, like the duet song “Summer Nights” from Grease or a one-hit wonder like “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” by Deep Blue Something.  (Again, Robin sings a bit of it holding the fake mic dramatically.)  And if you’re with Girlfriends, karaoke the song, “Girls Just Want to Have Fun.”  With the guys? Try Country Classic. Or, if you’re like my husband when he’s out with HIS FRIENDS, you’ll channel your inner 90’s boy-band and sing Backstreet Boys’ “I Want It That Way.”

I hope the next time YOU karaoke you will keep these best practices in mind.  Picking a great song is important — and it’s also important to be a good listener. Karaoke is all about having fun!  And it’s easy to have fun when you’re singing along with friends.

Now THAT'S what Toastmasters call "vocal variety"!!!  At the conclusion of Robin's delightful speech, it was obvious that smiling listeners found it most laudable.  It's easy to praise such a commendable effort on the part of a speaker, especially when they're willing to sing for us, too!

Okay, now it's time for TABLE TOPICS!   Catherine's hidden some prompts inside the table tents envelope that relate to Labor Day.  "Who wants to be the first victim, I mean volunteer?" she asks.  Everyone knows that pulling a question can be a little unnerving, but it's fun and gets you thinking on your feet.

What's a favorite job you had in which you felt like you contributed to society?

Betsy says she's held several jobs and retired just 3 years ago.  Her favorite, though, is working as a Mary Kay consultant.  She even had a $1,000 day just last week!  For 26 years, she's met and helped all kinds of people and developed good friendships all over the country.  It's been profitable and she's had a lot of fun as well.

How will you spend your upcoming Labor Day weekend?

In the past, George says he watched a lot of football.  He admires the spirit of workers but can't recall the last time he honored the day.  He has personally done a lot of restaurant work previously and finds it laudable that we celebrate Labor Day.  This year he'll be off work, will likely play on his computer, lay back, and do nothing.

If you could change one thing about American employment, what would it be and why?

Vicki says she'd like to toss the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) into the ocean because things have gotten skewed.  Over 70,000 complaints have been filed (some may be frivolous) but many others are valid discrimination claims that need attention.  Some are covered by Title 7 or are religious or sexual discrimination claims (to name a few).  She'd like a magic wand to get them to focus on all of the valid claims.

If you won the lottery tomorrow and no longer needed to work for income, how would you spend your time?

Alex claims he'd travel while he's young and go see places he normally wouldn't get to see.  He'd follow a passion...even continue his role as a nurse and do public service...maybe even start his own wellness clinic to help the community avoid hospital stays. 

If you could be an instant expert at any job, what would you choose and why?

Perry says he works at the Books-A-Million bookstore and tries to get people to become millionaire book members.  He loves having great connections with people and selling things.  He's met all kinds of people, so if he could be an expert at something, it'd be talking with people about their lives and books.

Members and guests consider what they've heard and vote for the extemporaneous speech that has caught their attention the most.  Today's winner is Alex, and he gets to keep the Table Topics trophy until we convene again in mid-September.  It's laudable that Alex would choose to continue working on the behalf of the community even if he won the lottery.  

Eva, evaluator for Robin's "vocal variety" speech, says it was a laudable speech.  She marvels that Robin stepped in at the last minute with a wonderfully entertaining speech.  She says it had great content and the subject was well-chosen.  Robin was expressive and obviously enjoyed singing.  She loved the "3 Best Practices" Robin gave for doing Karaoke.  She felt the speed of delivery was good, and there was little reliance on notes.  To improve this speech, maybe there could have been a few more dramatic pauses and maybe Robin could have shared what drew her to Karaoke in the first place.

All good (and laudable) things must come to a close, so Peace Keepers conclude their meeting soon thereafter.  Members and guests hang around to commend each other on their presentations or just chat.  It's an easy and sweet conclusion.

If you're a visitor to this blog, this is what often goes on in a Toastmasters meeting.  People are given opportunities in advance to take on roles or just speak spontaneously during Table Topics.  Others choose to give prepared speeches.  You progress as quickly as you like!  Come visit us sometime.  We're a warm and friendly group seeking to better ourselves!


Sept. 16- Conference Room B

Oct. 7 - Conference Room B

Peace Speakers Toastmasters Club
1st and 3rd Wednesdays (usually)
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Presbyterian Center
100 Witherspoon Street
Downtown Louisville, KY

Respectfully submitted,
Kay Chambers
Blogger for Peace Speakers
To access our previous blogs, here are the links
(We kept running out of space and needed to start new ones!)  

Like us on Facebook:  Facebook.com/peacespeakers