The mission of a Toastmasters club
is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in
which every individual member has the opportunity to develop oral
communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster
self-confidence and personal growth.
Ada opens our Peace Speakers meeting while Robin, our president, is out on maternity leave. She gets Peace Speakers in the holiday mode by asking each of us to share one word for the Christmas season. Some of the words shared are joy, peace, family, dreams, and cheer.
With our invocation leader absent today, Ada creates an invocation on the spur of the moment. The word of the day is elucidate, which means to make something clear or explain. I'd like to elucidate that Ada is calm and accomplished in doing this spontaneous invocation, and it sounds as though she's worked on it for hours. I think Ada would tell me this wouldn't be the case had she not been so consistently involved in Toastmasters and honed her speaking and thinking skills throughout the years.
Ada also introduces a guest, Maria, who is taking classes at JCC and U of L. This is Connie's adopted daughter, and she says Maria is a very humble, positive, and angelical spirit. We are honored to have her with us today! (Please forgive the side shot of the two I sat beside. I forgot to get full-face photos afterwards!)
With our invocation leader absent today, Ada creates an invocation on the spur of the moment. The word of the day is elucidate, which means to make something clear or explain. I'd like to elucidate that Ada is calm and accomplished in doing this spontaneous invocation, and it sounds as though she's worked on it for hours. I think Ada would tell me this wouldn't be the case had she not been so consistently involved in Toastmasters and honed her speaking and thinking skills throughout the years.
Connie and Maria |
Catherine, Vice President of Education, notes that our Area 66 Governor, John Frederick, sent her an email outlining several opportunities for officers' training in the near future. She will send members this information soon. No matter how many times one has served in an officer's role, there is always something new to be learned from attending these trainings, and it's an opportunity to meet and confer with other Toastmasters in our area.
Kay, Joke Master for the day and your blogger, shares letters written by children to Santa. Allow me to elucidate that these letters have some childlike misspellings in them that I haven't changed. I have also added a few images to further help you understand them.
Dear Santa,
How are you and the reindeer doing? I'm doing fine. I want a new football because my little brother always trys to steal mine. He may look sweet but he is the DEVIL.
P.S. How do you get in to my house on Christmas?
Dear Santa,
My mom said to send you are christmas list. Kids at school are still picking on Amber
and its not fair because she doesn't do anything to them and it makes me mad. I prayed that they will stop but god is bisy and needs your help. Is it against the rules to give gifts early? Can you ask Big Time Rush to come to Amber's B-day party? It will make her so happy. If you can't get them to come, just get her everything she ask for. Thanks Santa.
P.S. My mom throw the best B-day partys. You can come if you want.
Dear Santa,
We think you might be poisoned by the cookies, so don't eat them. Mom went wrong somewere. This is our first year with Callie, our new cat. Please put her presents in the stocking with the dog on it. As you might know our dog Moddie died. So please don't try to remind mom or she will break out sobbing. We have all been very good this year. We hope you don't have a bad ride.
P.S. Santa your the best ever!
Andrew Bynum |
Dear Santa,
Sometimes when I stand on MY tippy toes, I can reach the cookie jar even though my Mommy moves it to the back of the counter. But that's the only naughty thing I've done, so is it okay if I ask for a bike?
Dear Santa,
You better bring my pony this year.
Or there will be consequenses!
(This letter had a primitive drawing of a horse rearing up on it.)
As Toastmaster, Megan moves gracefully from one activity to the next. She emphasizes a Japanese Proverb on a wintery image atop our agenda that says, "One kind word can warm three winter months." As Peace Speakers, this speaks to the core of who we are.
Kerri, our Table Topics Master for the day, offers up a tray of prompts to get people sharing. She asks for volunteers first, hoping that members or guests will raise their hands. Her questions pertain to the holiday season, and this gives individuals a chance to spontaneously practice thinking and speaking skills.
Catherine shares that going to her non-in-laws for Christmas is her favorite holiday tradition. She loves going to John and Eva's because they treat her like a daughter even though they are not blood relatives. They're all one big family: John and Eva, her parents, brother, sister-in-law and nephew. The tradition began 7-8 years ago when their nephew was born. From that time on they began meeting outside of Knoxville, TN, for their annual holiday gathering.
If you could only get one gift, what would you ask for this holiday season?
Connie ponders thoughtfully and decides that the one gift she most wants is creativity. She admits that she's not working right now. She feels that she needs to come up with something different. Creativity isn't a thing, but it will give her an answer. Creativity will bring her a car, a house, and everything she wants if she uses it appropriately.
Eva shares that the least favorite part of this season for her is the commercialism. She typically avoids the malls and instead plans ahead to pick up gifts when traveling. She also goes online to avoid the crowded stores. She adds that people don't need more stuff. She likes the tradition of giving and its thoughtfulness, but sometimes she feels like she'd enjoy it more without the commercial type gifts.
Ada admits that she's has set no resolutions at this time. Traditionally, she doesn't bother since she never follows through with them. However, she does have some goals and to-do lists that she compiles. If accomplished, that will make her New Year's resolution possibility even greater!
Kay admits that she does a lot of her shopping on using points earned to get gift cards that her relatives desire for Christmas. She also went online looking for a request of Smartwool socks, which she learned were VERY expensive at $15-20 per pair. She found them on sale for around $12 with free shipping, and found a book on Amazon for half price that was actually new.
Megan shares that her favorite part of this holiday season is actually two-fold. She gets to go home to her parents and she also gets time off from work. This gives her an opportunity to relax, travel some, and see the family. She makes a point to slow down, focus on family and have fun. One of her favorite activities is relaxing in her pajamas and watching Netflix.
Lynn tells us that her husband's family comes to their home for the holidays. They actually have 2 Christmases on 2 different days. It's a bit of a roller coaster with 2 dinners and 2 celebrations to prepare for and to participate in during the holiday season. She admits to being excited but also a little overwhelmed.
Members enjoying other Table Topics responses |
After the vote, Kerri announces the winner for the best Table Topics talk, which only lasts 1-2 minutes. Connie, who wished for the gift of creativity this holiday season, earns the most votes. She is awarded the Table Topics trophy and gets to keep it until our next meeting on January 7, 2015. That's a really great way to bring in the New Year, Connie!
Megan closes the educational part of our program asking us to take warmth and positive energy out with us this holiday season. She reminds us again that our interactions with others...just one kind word...can warm people's hearts during these cold winter months.
Ada adjourns our Peace Speakers meeting reminding us that this is our final gathering in 2014. She hopes we all find happiness in this season and experience the spirit of Christmas. She wishes us peace, hope and love, and adds the reminder that gas prices are down, which gives us even more reasons for joy. She looks forward to 2015 with all of its offerings.
And to those who have visited these blogged pages, please grace us with your company and pay us a visit in the New Year. We promise to be welcoming and civil plus fun and educational. What a great way to start 2015!!!!
We are an open Toastmasters club,
so please pay us a visit!
Jan. 7 - Conference Room B
Jan. 21 - Conference Room B
Peace Speakers Toastmasters Club
1st and 3rd Wednesdays (usually)
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
100 Witherspoon Street
Downtown Louisville, KY
Respectfully submitted,
Kay Chambers
Blogger for Peace Speakers
To access our previous blogs, here are the links:
(We kept running out of space and needed to start new ones!)